Dan Henry

Dan Henry (born 1913) is the inventor of directional pavement markings commonly used to guide participants along the route of organized bicycling events. The markers themselves are usually called "Dan Henrys".[1]

Originally, the markings consisted of a circle with a vertical line from the edge of the circle pointing in the direction of travel (up, left, right). Other common markings are a circle X to denote wrong way, and a circled horizontal line to denote caution. 

Variations on the circle pattern developed to differentiate between different rides as more and more rides began to use the same roads. Variations include color, triangles, squares, letters, etc.[2]

Other cycling related invention by Henry include front and rear suspension systems and the 'sling' saddle.[3]


The League of American Wheelmen awarded Henry their Paul Dudley White Medal in 1992[4] and a bike route in the Santa Ynez Valley has been named for him.[5]
